Thursday, August 10, 2017

What is the Paleo Diet Plan?

What is the Paleo diet plan? The paleolithic diet, alias paleo, is based on the diet that was in the Stone Age, period called "Paleolítico". During that time men consumed only what was provided by nature, fruits, meat of animals and vegetables.

According to supporters of this type of food, it is very beneficial to health because the human body is not designed for the consumption of the whole range of foods you can get today (dairy, cereals and legumes), which is why The epidemic of diseases that have appeared in recent years.

Foods Allowed:
The paleo diet only allows the consumption of natural and integral foods, that is, unprocessed and healthy foods that existed during the Paleolithic stage.

Although it seems incredible, the selection of food is very varied and can be combined according to your tastes:

Healthy oils and fats: coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, animal fat, lard.
Spices and salt: sea salt, turmeric, pepper, garlic, rosemary.
Seeds and nuts: pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds.
Tubers: turnips, sweet potatoes and potatoes.
Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, onions, kale and carrots.
Fruit: blueberries, strawberries, grapes, avocados, bananas, pears, apples and oranges.
Seafood and fish: tuna, mussels, sardines, salmon, prawns and trout.
Meat: lamb, pork, veal, turkey and chicken.

All those people who do not want to continue a strict paleo diet, are allowed moderate consumption of bacon, some gluten-free cereals and butter. Likewise, it is possible to consume small amounts of dark chocolate and red wine.

Forbidden Foods:
The paleo diet does not advise consumption of "modern" foods because it is the supposed cause of today's diseases, such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Processed food: any artificial product, made in a factory.
Trans fat.
Sugars: fruit juices, candies, ice creams, soft drinks.
Cereals and derivatives: pasta, bread, barley, spelled, rye and wheat.
Refined vegetable oils: sunflower, soybeans, grape seeds, canola oil.
Legumes: beans, lentils, chickpeas.
Dairy products: yogurt, cheese and especially low-fat dairy.
Artificial sweeteners: sulfonamides-k, aspartame, sucrose, cyclamate and saccharin.
You should always read the list of ingredients of everything you buy, as it is the only way to avoid the consumption of these foods harmful and harmful to your health.

Drinks Allowed
Undoubtedly, the reference drink is water.

For caffeine fanatics, coffee and tea should not be included in the paleo diet, but their consumption is widespread, and most people ignore this rule and consume them.

The paleo diet advises against consuming more than three meals a day, but if hunger stalks you between meals, you can take a fruit, hard boiled eggs, a handful of nuts or even leftovers from the previous meal. Order Your Paleo Diet Recipes by Clicking the Link

Also you can get a 30 day guide to paleo with 185 recipes  Click Here!

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